A story about falling and getting up again

Skywards is a story about falling and getting up again. A theme that I am not entirely unfamiliar with. This story started playing in my head after I was seriously injured in a car accident in America. I was flat on my back for seven months due to a CSF leak, an injury in which you continuously leak brain fluid.

During those uncertain months, I received a lot of support from my fellow leakers in the csf leak support group. A group where I met mothers with young children who found it difficult to explain why mommy could not get up. The story almost wrote itself. I made the illustrations lying flat on my back. By writing this book, I hope young parents can explain to their childeren why mommy or daddy cannot just be up all day. But even if you do not have a CSF leak, this book is for everyone who is going through a difficult time and is looking for a way to explain that to young children.

I wrote, illustrated, designed and published this book.
The book can be ordered in DutchandEnglish from Amazon.

Would you like to know more about publishing a children’s book? Please feel free to contact me.

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