Logo and branding

Canva, Fiverr, Freelogodesign, there are plenty of websites and apps where you can design your logo. But just because you cán, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Your logo and branding will be the face of your new company. Do you want that face to look, as if your four-year-old niece has played with lipstick, or do you want that face to look like a supermodel created by a professional make-up artist?

Creating a logo is not just a pretty picture, it’s creating an identity your (potential) clients will recognize. It can only be your company name or your company name with an image, of course with a specially chosen font style and color. You never get a second time to make a first impression so let that first impression be a good one!

When you work with me to create your identity, I want to know everything about your company, who your clients are, your target audience, what you represent, and what sort of emotion and feeling you want to give with your service or product. Will you be working mostly online or also offline? How will the branding be used? There are only a few questions I ask before I even start designing.

Want to know more about what I can do for you? Let’s meet to talk about how I can help you!

Branding RemeTechniek

Branding RemeTechniek

RemeTechniek uit Uden begreep goed dat de verandering van een huisstijl tot in de puntjes moet worden doorgevoerd. Niet alleen het logo op het briefpapier en de website kregen een nieuwe uitstraling maar ook de belettering op het pand

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Alpha Mobile Grooming Online!

Alpha Mobile Grooming Online!

Wat begin dit jaar begon met een idee en een release datum in april 2016, werd steeds meer opgeschroefd naar dit jaar. Tot de knoop werd doorgehakt en Alpha Mobile Grooming op 10 december officieel geopend werd.

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mireille van yperen

Since 1995 I have been working as a graphic designer and web designer. At first as an employee but since 2003 I'm working in my own company. In addition to graphic design, pre-press, and web design, I also illustrate children's books. As a side project, I have written, illustrated, and published nine picture books myself, which are available at Amazon. I'm originally from The Netherlands but moved to Oregon in 2022.

Fun facts: Crazy about tea, chocolate, and traveling. My cat is called Kip which confuses the street because Kip in Dutch means Chicken.

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