I can claim that it feels like time passed within the blink of an eye but to be honest, it was bloody hard work to keep my head up high.

October 26, 2003,
“I’m taking a vacation!”, he said, and we never saw him again. I was left with a baby, a toddler, and a lot of his debts, I didn’t even knew we had. But throughout the whole crumbling down of my marriage, and the life I thought I knew, I never felt defeated. I just needed a plan. I figured I still had an old computer, my college degree in design, two young kids to take care of, and an unstoppable drive to make it happen. And so I started my company on November 19, 2003.

Twenty years and many designs later, I’m still here, bigger, better, wiser, and stronger than ever. I had many cups of tea. Received many “Thank you’ bouquets from happy clients and had many business meetings to discuss projects. I traveled the world and I walked around the corner to meet with clients. I made designs in Dutch, English, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic.

Quitting has never been an option for me so I built my kingdom on rock bottom and I made it shine. My two adorable children, who gave me the strength to make this happen, are now all grown up and are living their own best lifes, but they will always be the reason I made it this far. Forever and beyond I give them my love and support back.

Happy 20th anniversary to me!
November 19, 2023

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