Job ad for Accountant Agency

Job ad for Accountant Agency

An accountant agency in the Netherlands was desperately looking for new people to hire. They contacted me to create an outstanding design that will attract the right people for the job. I made the ad more personal by adding the CEOs of the company in their branding....
Anniversary magazine design Toyota MR2

Anniversary magazine design Toyota MR2

After I designed the first MR2 magazine earlier this year, the team of MR2 asked me if I also wanted to design the anniversary edition. With an anniversary edition, a designer doesn’t have to follow the layout that has been set for every issue. In this...
Design your children’s book

Design your children’s book

Designing a picture book is a skill not everybody has. Online printers such as Amazon and Ingramsparks have special programs to make your life easier. However, a beginner is often at a loss. This wasn’t what you had in mind when you wanted to write a picture...
Design MR2 Magazine

Design MR2 Magazine

Toyota MR2 club Netherlands found my website via Google. They urgently needed help creating their upcoming issue. The magazine, which had been published for years, was still lying on the table in bits and pieces of text and photos because the designer who used to make...
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