Its almost worth going away  because it’s so lovely coming back

It’s almost worth going away
because it’s so lovely coming back

“Do you have to go?” squeaks Moira, the little grey mouse. “I’m also staying here, why can’t you stay too? When it gets really cold, you can hide in my warm nest.’ She looks sad. She doesn’t like to see her best friend leaving. Morgan and Moira played hide and seek every day. Morgan had always been much better at rigging because she could see everything much better up in the sky.

“Morgan…,” says Morgan’s mother, “we have to leave now.”
Moira and Morgan look sad at each other.
“I’m going to miss you terribly.” Morgan sobs. “Me too,” Moira mutters.

Then suddenly a thin smile appears on Morgan’s face. “But I will return. For real. I promise!” Moira nods, unconvinced by the promise. “And when I get back, we’re going to play hide and seek again, and we’ll look for tasty berries together.”

Morgan tries to cheer up her best friend. “It’s almost worth leaving because it’s so nice to come back.” They give each other a big hug. But then it’s time to fly away. Moira watches the birds and hopes that winter will soon be over.

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