The duo Geert and Pieter approached me with an idea, wondering if I could help them set it up. They wanted an interactive website for a music tour through the city of Delft (Netherlands). I immediately envisioned the design. I made some sketches and discussed my ideas with them. They got enthusiastic about my idea and asked me to work it out into an actual working website.

First I started with the logo design. They already had their ideas about the logo design, which I worked out into a design that could be used online and offline for print. Now the logo design was finished, I started building the website. The design was already in my head and slowly came to life while building. For me, the structure and navigation of a website should be clear from the start so that any updates or changes are easy to implement.

I made the main menu with static pages in WordPress but for the artist pages, I used the Post option in WordPress. In the end, everything came together in a great website that is easy to use on both the computer and mobile.

Finally, I made the QR codes of the artist pages and placed them on the tiles, as indicated by the city of Delft, which is placed throughout the city. This was a very special project to look back on. Click here to see the Delft Music Tour website.

Do you also have a special idea for a new project? Would you like to talk about it and see if I can help you with that? Book a free consultation to discuss your project.

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